A letter of Gratitude to Dr. Calinda Lin




Dear Dr. Lin


For well over a year, I suffered from skin problems.  I was treated by my G.P. with antibiotics and various creams with no help.


I was referred to a specialist, who gave me a thorough check and said that I was 100% - My blood proved negative.


I was then referred to a dermatologist who diagnosed my case as psoriasis.  He then put me on Antibiotics and prescribed various tar creams.  I kept on these creams for over six months with no relief in sight.


The one evening I hear Dr Lin on Radio Lotus and decided to see her.


I felt the difference after my first acupuncture treatment.  Now after about seven treatments, I can safely say that I am totally clear of all my skin problems.


Here I will say that Dr. Lin, “Is an Angel with Healing Hands”.


Thank You Dr. Lin and God Bless you.




Yours sincerely



Ganesh Govender

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