Intro to Acupuncture
According to the Chinese concept of anatomy, there are 14 channels running over the body, each representing an organ. Here the kidney channel and the acupuncture points on this channel are shown.
Acupuncture is an ancient art of healing. It has been used extensively in
Our energy flows along certain channels in the body. There are 14 main energy channels. These energy channels link with the
The idea of the insertion of the needles in acupuncture is totally different from taking an injection. If one is treated by a qualified acupuncturist, the needles do not hurt. It is as fine as a strand of hair. At certain points of the body you do not feel that needle at all. Only some points are slightly sensitive but the sensation is sh
I use the traditional Chinese system of diagnoses. In traditional Chinese Medicine various f
For example, if you complained about a pain in the knee, the cause of the problem may not be in the knee itself. It could be linked to the stomach, liver, gallbladder or kidneys. Therefore by treating the energy channels of any one or more of these organs, I can cure the knee problem.
A skilful acupuncturist can often detect and treat disorders in an individuals healthy functioning long before they develop into symptoms.
I do not use acupuncture only to treat patients. I also use ancient Chinese healing art.(Cupping treatment), Chinese herbal medicine (if the case demands it) and energy healing to speed up the process.
Energy healing entails the spiritual discipline of meditation, whereby the negative energy is drawn out and replaced with positive energy. Please note that energy healing does not pertain to any particular religion or worship. Not all acupuncturists use additional methods of healing as I do.
These ancient Chinese art of healing have been used very successfully in treating all different types of illnesses. Many people depend on pain killers, sleeping tablets, steroids and a host of harmful drugs. All of these have severe side-effects and interfere with proper functioning of the organs of the body. The worst effect is on the mind. This method of healing ensures that the mind helps in the healing process.
Here, I can help you not to use these drugs. F
I have prevented some of my patients from unnecessary operations. For example, sinusitis, spinal problems, pinched nerves, spondylosis or slipped disc, hip problems, frozen shoulder, gangrene, etc.
Some of the other illnesses that can be cured include the following:- migraine headaches, red and burning eyes, stiff and painful neck/shoulder/back/knee/legs, stress related dis
Acupuncture also works very successfully in other illnesses, which include the following: Epilepsy, Angina, Chronic Heart Failure, Palpitations, night sweating, bronchitis, asthma, eating disorders, irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion, stomach ache, kidney and bladder infection, weak bladder, kidney disorder, inability to urinate, high blood pressure, low blood pressure.
This Chinese f
Stroke , depending on the severity of individual cases, stroke patients have been relieved of pain and suffering and mobility has been rest
The period of treatment may also vary depending on the person's response to the treatment and the length of time a person has had the disease. Some people will respond more quickly than others, once cured it is recommended that a person returns for treatment about once a month to ensure that the person's health is maintained and in certain instances that the disease does not recur. If you think that your own condition is not covered by any of the above categories, you can contact me. I can be of some assistance to you.
The cost of treatment by (acupuncture), the ancient Chinese art of healing is a fraction as compared to modern medical costs which may include hospitalisation and long term therapy.
One thing is very imp
So if the high costs of medical treatment have not cured your problem, maybe it is time that you tried acupuncture.
Intro to Acupuncture
According to the Chinese concept of anatomy, there are 14 channels running over the body, each representing an organ. Here the kidney channel and the acupuncture points on this channel are shown.
Acupuncture is an ancient art of healing. It has been used extensively in
Our energy flows along certain channels in the body. There are 14 main energy channels. These energy channels link with the
The idea of the insertion of the needles in acupuncture is totally different from taking an injection. If one is treated by a qualified acupuncturist, the needles do not hurt. It is as fine as a strand of hair. At certain points of the body you do not feel that needle at all. Only some points are slightly sensitive but the sensation is sh
I use the traditional Chinese system of diagnoses. In traditional Chinese Medicine various f
For example, if you complained about a pain in the knee, the cause of the problem may not be in the knee itself. It could be linked to the stomach, liver, gallbladder or kidneys. Therefore by treating the energy channels of any one or more of these organs, I can cure the knee problem.
A skilful acupuncturist can often detect and treat disorders in an individuals healthy functioning long before they develop into symptoms.
I do not use acupuncture only to treat patients. I also use ancient Chinese healing art.(Cupping treatment), Chinese herbal medicine (if the case demands it) and energy healing to speed up the process.
Energy healing entails the spiritual discipline of meditation, whereby the negative energy is drawn out and replaced with positive energy. Please note that energy healing does not pertain to any particular religion or worship. Not all acupuncturists use additional methods of healing as I do.
These ancient Chinese art of healing have been used very successfully in treating all different types of illnesses. Many people depend on pain killers, sleeping tablets, steroids and a host of harmful drugs. All of these have severe side-effects and interfere with proper functioning of the organs of the body. The worst effect is on the mind. This method of healing ensures that the mind helps in the healing process.
Here, I can help you not to use these drugs. F
I have prevented some of my patients from unnecessary operations. For example, sinusitis, spinal problems, pinched nerves, spondylosis or slipped disc, hip problems, frozen shoulder, gangrene, etc.
Some of the other illnesses that can be cured include the following:- migraine headaches, red and burning eyes, stiff and painful neck/shoulder/back/knee/legs, stress related dis
Acupuncture also works very successfully in other illnesses, which include the following: Epilepsy, Angina, Chronic Heart Failure, Palpitations, night sweating, bronchitis, asthma, eating disorders, irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion, stomach ache, kidney and bladder infection, weak bladder, kidney disorder, inability to urinate, high blood pressure, low blood pressure.
This Chinese f
Stroke , depending on the severity of individual cases, stroke patients have been relieved of pain and suffering and mobility has been rest
The period of treatment may also vary depending on the person's response to the treatment and the length of time a person has had the disease. Some people will respond more quickly than others, once cured it is recommended that a person returns for treatment about once a month to ensure that the person's health is maintained and in certain instances that the disease does not recur. If you think that your own condition is not covered by any of the above categories, you can contact me. I can be of some assistance to you.
The cost of treatment by (acupuncture), the ancient Chinese art of healing is a fraction as compared to modern medical costs which may include hospitalisation and long term therapy.
One thing is very imp
So if the high costs of medical treatment have not cured your problem, maybe it is time that you tried acupuncture.